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Fuel Saving Tips in the Eagle Ford

Fuel Saving Tips - Truck Stop

Fuel prices have been steadily increasing making it harder for all carriers to be profitable. This includes drivers working in the Eagle Ford Shale. The national average of diesel is well over $4.00. This affects trucking companies and consumers more than many people might realize. With over 75 percent of all United States communities relying solely on trucks to bring their commodities, the prices of groceries and necessities increase every time the price of diesel goes up because the cost of transporting cargo gets passed on to the consumer.

There’s no magic wand to wave and decrease the cost of fuel. However, there are quite a few things that drivers can do to get the most out of their fuel consumption. Economy driving tips will help you keep a few more dollars in your pocket.

Economy Driving Techniques

[ic-r]The most productive way to reduce your fuel consumption is to keep your speed down when it is possible. Speeding uses a lot fuel. Try and reduce your speed to a safe and manageable speed that will allow you to be on time. Though you might think you’re saving time, speeding doesn’t get you there all that much faster. For example, if you drive 100 miles at 55 mph, you will travel for one hour and 49 minutes. Increasing your speed to 60 mph will save you only five minutes. Meanwhile, you burn a lot more fuel. A 2011 study by the European Economic Agency stated that complying with speed limits can save two to three percent and possibly as much as 12 to 18 percent. According to Overdrive magazine, reducing speed just one mph below 55 reduces fuel consumption 2.2 percent.

Progressive shifting is a very effective way to reduce fuel consumption. Today’s engines are much stronger and efficient. They are designed to use fewer rpm to get up to the ideal speed. Developing a habit of using progressive shifting will save you a lot of money.

Trip planning can also save you money on fuel consumption. Try to avoid highly congested areas during peak traffic times so you don’t waste fuel going nowhere in traffic jams. Plan your trip around rush hour traffic when possible.

Upgrade to a later model vehicle if you can. Newer engines are designed to use less fuel and require a lower rpm to get to efficient operating speeds.

Idling uses a lot of fuel.  Try and develop a good habit of shutting your engine down when possible. Many states have very strict laws about idling but even if it’s not required by law, this simple habit could save you big.

The weight distribution of your load can also be causing you to use more fuel than needed. Inspect your load carefully to make sure it is evenly distributed.

Make sure your vehicle is in tip top shape. Vehicle maintenance is crucial to your daily operation and can save you money in fuel consumption as well as major repairs. Make sure you are inspecting your vehicle thoroughly to avoid any hazards on the road. Improper tire inflation can cause you to get terrible fuel mileage.  Always have a tire gauge handy and inspect every time you do your pre-and post-trip inspections.

Every Little Bit Counts

No single economy driving tip will have a major impact. However, try utilizing several of them. You should be able to notice the difference in your fuel consumption.