Eagle Ford Shale Play

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Eagle Ford Shale Jobs Available

Available jobs in the Eagle Ford Shale are now easier than ever to locate through the Eagle Ford Jobs section. For employers, introductory pricing is available to list your job openings specific to the Eagle Ford Play. This weeks job highlight is an open position from Avanti Environmental. The company has a job opening for a "Regional Manager for Environmental Oil & Gas Inspection Services (San Antonio Area)". Visit the jobs page to find out more.

The job market in the play is booming across South Texas. Not only are employers from large oil and gas cities like Houston, Dallas, and Oklahoma City looking for help, but the smaller towns such as Victoria, Carizzo Springs, Catoula, and others across the play are also ripe with job opportunities. If you're looking for a job in the Eagle Ford, be sure to check the Eagle Ford job listings for your opportunity.

Check back weekly for updated job listings and be sure to utilize the filters and search function to find jobs in your field, with a certain company, or in the nearest town.

Here's a recent quote about the job market from a mysanantonio.com article:

While the job market tightened up slightly last month, experts are still calling San Antonio one of the best places in the country to find a job. It looks like the jobs will continue to come in three key areas. The medical, energy and manufacturing industries.

There are still new jobs coming to San Antonio, but there are still plenty of people looking for work at the Workforce Solutions Alamo office on the west side. Among those scouring the internet for work was David and Jeanette Medina. Both are looking for jobs. He's in the manufacturing business and she's a radiologist. If he gets a job first, they'll likely move to Fort Worth. But if she gets a job, it might mean staying here.